Privacy Notice for Dematic Mexico

Based on the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties (hereinafter the "FLPPDPPP"), its Regulations (hereinafter "RFLPPDPPP") and other applicable provisions, Dematic Trading de México, S. de R.L. de C.V., Dematic Logistics de México, S. de R.L. de C.V., and Dematic Technology Services, S. de R.L. de C.V. (collectively "Dematic"), with its domicile at Avenida Desarrollo 540, Parque Industrial Finsa, Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, CP 67114, México, provides you this privacy notice ("Privacy Notice") for the purpose of informing you that Dematic is responsible for the treatment of personal data collected from its employees, customers, suppliers, service providers and other persons interested in receiving information about Dematic’s products and services, in terms of the provisions of article 2, section XIV of article 3, sections III and VII of article 37 of the FLPPDPPP and article 70 of the RFLPPDPPP. Further this Privacy Notice requests your consent on the treatment that will be given to such personal data when collected, used, stored and/or transferred by Dematic.

Your general personal data and all Sensitive Personal Data (defined below), which, due to the relationship established with Dematic, may be required, will be collected, treated and safeguarded based on the principles of legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility, enshrined in the FLPPDPPP. “Sensitive Personal Data” shall be understood as all information classified as sensitive in terms of the FLPPDPPP, including but not limited to health status.

Before collecting your Sensitive Personal Data, if required, we will request your express consent for its treatment by means of your electronic signature or digital fingerprint on a copy or acknowledgment of receipt of this Privacy Notice. In compliance with the FLPDPPP, Dematic will make reasonable efforts to limit the period of treatment of the data to the minimum term necessary for the provision of Dematic’s services or such other times as may be required by applicable laws.

Purposes of the Treatment of Your Personal Data

Main purposes:

We collect your general personal data and, where applicable, Sensitive Personal Data, to use them, either directly or through the companies of the group to which Dematic belongs (hereinafter “KION Group AG”), for the following purposes:

  1. Personal Data of employees and Service Providers of Dematic:
    • Identification
    • Elaboration of agreements, employment records or notices required and related to the work or services provided.
    • In order to contact you for any matter related to the work or services rendered by Dematic;
    • Management of labor benefits of the company;
    • Updating personal data;
    • Compliance with the legislation, requirements and applicable regulations in labor matters and integration of employment records.
  2. Personal Data of customers or other third parties, for the following purposes:
    • Identification and contact.
    • Sale, licensing or any type of commercialization of the products and services developed by Dematic and the companies of the KION Group AG, as well as to provide technical support.
    • Elaboration and follow-up of agreements related with the products and/or services involved;
    • To improve and develop our products.
    • To be able to contact you for any matter related to the products and/or services involved;
    • Updating of personal data;
    • Compliance with the legislation, requirements and applicable regulations to the services we provide and products contracted.
    • Follow-up of information, status of the products and/or services to be provided and evaluation of their status.
    • Communications with people involved in any manner with the use of the products and/or services provided.
    • Elaboration and integration of client´s files required for the contractual relationship, as well as advice on the use of products and services that are provided.
    • Providing quality products and services.

Secondary Purposes for use of the Personal Data (“Secondary Purpose”):

  • To send you information about our products, promotions and business proposals.

In order to carry out the purposes described above, all or some of the following personal data will be required and maintained by Dematic:

  • Full name of the owner of the personal data and if applicable, name of their representatives.
  • Contact cell phone number(s).
  • Contact telephone number(s).
  • Address.
  • Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC).
  • Unique Population Registry Code (CURP).
  • E-mail(s).
  • Signature or fingerprint.

Your Sensitive Personal Data will not be transferred to any third party except for an affiliated companies within the KION Group AG, to the extent required by applicable law, or payment of wages; your personal data will not be transferred to third parties for purposes other than those indicated in this Privacy Notice. The aforementioned without prejudice to the exceptions provided in the Articles 8 and 37 of the FLPDPPP.

We collect your data in the following manners: (i) directly provided by you or your representatives or (ii) through other sources permitted by law. Such information will be safeguarded under strict administrative, technical and physical security measures, implemented in order to protect your personal data against damage, loss, alter, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment.

In accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, you have a period of five (5) business days from the day on which you provide your consent to inform us of your refusal to permit the handling of your Personal Data with regard to the Secondary Purposes.

Access Rectification Cancellation And Opposition ("ARCO") Rights

You have the right to limit or revoke the use or disclosure of your personal data; to know your personal data we have, how we use them and the conditions of their use (access). Likewise, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (rectification); to request that we delete it from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations provided by law (cancellation); as well as to oppose to the use of your personal data for specific purposes (opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.

To exercise any of these rights, based on articles 29 and 31 of FLPDPPP, you personally or your representative must submit the respective request, in writing, at the address located at Avenida Desarrollo 540, Parque Industrial Finsa, Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, CP 67114, or to the e-mail address In order for your request to be processed, it must include each and every one of the requirements set forth in the aforementioned articles.

You will be notified of the resolution of your request within a period of twenty (20 ) business days, counted as from the date your petition for the exercise of any of the ARCO rights was received. In case your petition is granted, it will be effective in a term of 15 (fifteen) business days, following the date on which we communicate our response. The aforementioned terms may be extended once, for an equal period of time, as long as the circumstances justify it. In the case of petitions for access to personal data, in our response to your petition, it will indicate the manner or media by which we will send the requested information.

Likewise, we inform you that you have the right to initiate a data protection procedure before the National Transparency Institute, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (formerly Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection) within the following 15 (fifteen) days counted as from the date you receive our response, or in case you do not receive a response, then twenty (20) days from the date of receipt of your petition for the exercise of such rights.

In order to be able to attend your request, your petition must comply with all the requirements stated in the FLPDPPP.

We inform you that when you visit any of our websites, we use cookies in order to store and retrieve data from your computer, in order to recognize your computer the next time you visit one of our sites. You are also informed that you can disable the use of cookies by following the cookie settings procedure established on the website.

We reserve the right to make amendments or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time, deriving from new legal requirements for the provision or offering of our services, internal policies, legal requirements for the products or services we offer, our privacy practices, among other reasons. Any amendment will be made of your knowledge by the publication of this Privacy Notice in  

The liability for the management of your personal data will be on behalf and under the liability of Dematic, at the address located at Avenida Desarrollo 540, Parque Industrial Finsa, Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, CP 67114y.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice please call +5281 4000 2600 or send an email to

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