Piece Pick Systems

Dematic piece pick systems provide a wide variety of pre-engineered options for fulfillment operations that process individual items (pieces or eaches). The systems synchronize inventory, labor, and automation to deliver efficient and productive order fulfillment operations that meet the needs of your specific application.

Note: The selections listed on this page are ordered from simpler systems to progressively more automated systems.

The Dematic Multi-Order Pick Piece Pick System is ideal for operations with low-end order volume rates. Operators use pickcarts to pick up to 16 discrete orders in a single pass. The facility is arranged into picking zones, each supporting a specific SKU category and the inventory made available on shelving, flow rack, or pallets.


  • Need for process improvement
  • Picking and inventory management accuracy
  • Time to pick, pack, ship


  • WMS interface
  • Execution software directs order picking
  • PickCarts with flat screen
  • LED lights at put location on cart
  • Multiple orders picked, one pass through warehouse


(compared to discrete pick with paper lists)

  • 10 to 25% less staff
  • 10% to 30% increase in accuracy
  • 25% to 40% less time to process orders
  • Optimized pick paths
  • Multiple orders picked per warehouse trip
  • Scan validation throughout pick process
  • Integrated order packing
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Batch Pick and Consolidate Mid-Rate Piece Pick System is ideal for operations with mid-range order volume rates. Operators use pickcarts to pick items for multiple orders in a single pass through the warehouse.


  • Need for process improvement
  • Picking and inventory management accuracy
  • Time to pick, pack, ship


  • Voice-directed batch picking
  • Light-directed put walls, order consolidation
  • Light-directed pack walls, place in shipper
  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • WMS interface


(compared to discrete pick with paper lists)

  • 10 to 25% less staff
  • 10% to 30% increase in accuracy
  • 25% to 40% less time to process orders
  • Optimized pick paths
  • Multiple orders picked per warehouse trip
  • Scan validation throughout pick process
  • Integrated order consolidation and packing
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Batch Pick and Consolidate High-Rate Piece Pick System is ideal for operations with high-end order volume rates. Operators use pickcarts to pick items for multiple orders in a single pass and a crossbelt sorter consolidates the orders. The system de-constructs and re-constructs orders to create an ultra-efficient order fulfillment process.


  • Need to accommodate high throughput
  • Large quantity of SKUs
  • Time to pick, pack, ship


  • Voice-directed batch picking
  • Crossbelt sorter, order consolidation
  • Order packing workstations, place in shipper
  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • WMS interface


(compared to pick cart to put wall)

  • 20% to 40% less staff to operate
  • 50% to 100% increase in throughput
  • 2x to 4x quantity of SKUs
  • Scan validation throughout pick process
  • Integrated order consolidation and packing
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Zone Route Piece Pick System uses conveyor network to route order containers through zones with specific SKU categories. When a container (typically cardboard boxes) enters a zone, operators pick items and place them in the container. The containers only go to zones with picks. The system supports operations that need to pick, pack, and ship orders quickly and accurately.


  • Inefficient piece picking
  • Labor costs, availability, skills
  • Picking and inventory management accuracy


  • Route order containers to zones with picks
  • Order start case former, label print and apply
  • Conveyor network
  • Divert only to zones with picks
  • Pack modules, case seal, weigh, manifest
  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • WMS interface


(compared to person-to-goods picking)

  • 10% to 40% less staff
  • 10% to 30% increase in accuracy
  • 25% to 100% less time to process orders
  • 10% to 100% more throughput
  • Eliminate long pick paths through warehouse
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Put-to-Store Piece Pick System is ideal for operations that ship many of the same SKUs to most or all the same places, such as retail stores. The system uses a conveyor network to route inventory containers to zones where orders are fulfilled. Inventory containers with a single SKU type are routed from manual storage to order fulfillment zones where light-directed put equipment instruct operators to pick the items and put them into outbound shipping containers.


  • Need for operational effectiveness for retail store replenishment
  • Accommodate large quantity of SKUs
  • Picking and inventory management accuracy


  • Put-to-store configuration
  • Allocate inventory to order container
  • Connect to inventory storage
  • Light-directed put-to-order zones
  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • WMS interface


(compared to person-to-goods fulfillment)

  • Increase pick rates 1.5x to 3x
  • Tight zones, less walking
  • Eliminate dedicated pick faces for each SKU
  • Eliminate pick face replenishment, slotting, re-slotting
  • Eliminate long pick paths through warehouse
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Put-to-Order Piece Pick System is ideal for operations that ship many of the same SKUs to most or all the same places. The system uses a conveyor network to route inventory containers to zones where orders are fulfilled. Inventory containers with a single or multiple SKU types are routed from automated storage to workstations where light-directed put equipment instruct operators to pick the items and put them into outbound shipping containers.


  • Need for operational effectiveness for retail store replenishment
  • Accommodate large quantity of SKUs
  • Picking and inventory management accuracy


  • Put-to-order configuration
  • Allocate inventory to order container
  • Connect to automated inventory storage
  • Light-directed put-to-store order zones
  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • WMS interface


(compared to person-to-goods fulfillment)

  • Increase pick rates 1.5x to 3x
  • High-density, compact put-to-order zones reduces walking
  • Eliminate dedicated pick faces for each SKU
  • Eliminate pick face replenishment, slotting, re-slotting
  • Eliminate long pick paths through warehouse
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Pick and Pass Piece Pick System is ideal for operations where most orders have picks in every zone. The system uses a conveyor network to pass shipping containers from zone to zone. Light-directed pick equipment instruct operators to pick the items from flow racks and place them into containers, which are then passed onto the next zone. The system supports operations that need to pick, pack, and ship orders quickly and accurately.


  • Piece picking inefficiencies
  • Time to pick order
  • Pick rate


  • Warehouse Execution System (WES) software
  • Interface to host
  • Flexible pick zone size
  • Dynamic zone balancing
  • Active order hand-off
  • Operator enter/exit anywhere
  • Light-directed picking


  • High pick rates
  • Operational flexibility
  • Virtual zones become fluid
  • Operators go to where work is
  • Eliminate waiting for work
  • Not paced by slowest worker

The Dematic Automated Kitting Piece Pick System stores parts in automated storage and releases them to goods-to-person workstations where operators consolidate them into kits that the system then delivers to production areas of a manufacturing facility. The system’s automated storage also serves as a buffer between receiving parts and final production.


  • Improve supply of parts to production floor
  • Effective consolidation of parts for kitting
  • Efficient use of floor space
  • Response time for delivery of build kits


  • Automated kitting system
  • High density automated storage
  • Bin-to-picker workstations
  • Execution software with Manufacturing Execution System (MES) interface


  • Process improvement for production system
  • Increased kitting throughput rates
  • More storage capacity in a smaller footprint
  • Provides increased accuracy, controlled access
  • Minimize/eliminates inventory shrinkage and loss
  • Less labor required and improved worker ergonomics
  • Real-time control, visibility and insight into operations
  • Scalable and expandable for future changes

The Dematic Automated Kitting Piece Pick System stores parts using Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) and brings the parts to bin-to-picker workstations where operators consolidate them into kits that the system then delivers to production areas of a manufacturing facility. The AMRs store and retrieves totes in a double rack structure.


  • Improve supply of parts to production floor
  • Effective consolidation of parts for kitting
  • Efficient use of floor space
  • Response time for delivery of build kits


  • Automated kitting system
  • High density automated storage
  • Bin-to-picker workstations
  • Execution software with Manufacturing Execution System (MES) interface


  • Process improvement for production system
  • Increased kitting throughput rates
  • More storage capacity in a smaller footprint
  • Provides increased accuracy, controlled access
  • Minimize/eliminates inventory shrinkage and loss
  • Less labor required and improved worker ergonomics
  • Real-time control, visibility and insight into operations
  • Scalable and expandable for future changes

The Dematic Work-in-Process Buffer Piece Pick System uses an automated storage sub-system to stage materials between processes. The system provides high throughput and buffer capacity with scan validation and real-time control for work-in-progress applications. For example, to balance variations in flow between production processes or accommodate a curing time requirement. 


  • Efficient use of floor space
  • Labor ergonomics
  • WIP inventory management, accuracy


  • Automated work-in-progress (WIP) buffer
  • High-density automated storage
  • 10,000 storage locations
  • Execution software
  • Manufacturing execution systems (MES) interface


(compared to manual buffer staging)

  • Increased throughput and buffer capacity
  • Improved worker ergonomics
  • 10% to 25% less staff
  • 25% to 100% smaller footprint
  • 10% to 30% increase in WIP accuracy
  • Scan validation throughout
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Automated Piece Pick System for Direct Access uses an automated storage sub-system to provide direct access to inventory. Each aisle of the automated storage sub-system is connected directly to a single goods-to-person workstation for a simple, cost-effective conveyor sub-system. If necessary, inter-aisle functionality within the automated storage sub-system allows totes to reach a workstation for another aisle.


  • Lack of warehouse space
  • Labor costs, availability, skills
  • Picking and inventory management accuracy


  • Inbound decant, pick, pack, outbound sort
  • High-density automated storage
  • Goods-to-person workstations direct connect to storage
  • Inter-aisle transfer supports direct connect conveyor
  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • Warehouse Management System (WMS) interface


(compared to person-to-goods fulfillment)

  • 40% to 70% less staff
  • 25% to 60% less footprint
  • 10% to 30% increase in accuracy
  • 25% to 75% less time to process orders
  • Eliminates pick face replenishment, slotting, re-slotting
  • Eliminates long pick paths through warehouse
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations
  • Simple conveyor network connecting workstations to automated storage

The Dematic Automated Piece Pick System for Multichannel Distribution uses an automated storage sub-system with goods-to-person workstations and goods-to-robot order assembly connected by a loop conveyor to support multichannel distribution. It is an on-demand system that is ideal for handling daily variations in the volume of orders between distribution channels: customer direct, retail store replenishment, and wholesale.


  • Lack of warehouse space
  • Labor costs, availability, skills
  • Picking and inventory management accuracy


  • Goods-to-person order fulfillment
  • High-density automated storage
  • Inbound decant, pick, pack, outbound sort
  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • WMS interface


(compared to person-to-goods fulfillment)

  • 40% to 70% less staff
  • 25% to 60% less footprint
  • 10% to 30% increase in accuracy
  • 25% to 75% less time to process orders
  • Eliminates pick face replenishment, slotting, re-slotting
  • Eliminates long pick paths thru warehouse
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Automated Piece Pick System for Parts and Components uses a high-density automated storage sub-system with goods-to-person order assembly to support parts and components distribution. The system is ideal for handling the fulfillment of replacement parts and components with small to medium sizes and weights. 


  • Throughput, capacity, inventory accuracy
  • Multichannel requirements
  • Order fulfillment processing time
  • Productivity and labor costs


  • Inbound decanting, automated storage
  • Goods-to-person picking
  • High-velocity pick zone
  • Buffer storage for pick-in-advance orders
  • Robotic palletizing


(compared to manual person-to-goods)

  • 25% to 100% more capacity and throughput
  • 30% to 50% less staff to operate
  • 40% to 100% footprint reduction
  • 20% to 30% reduction in errors
  • Supports omnichannel strategy
  • Pick directly to order carton
  • Eliminates manual pick face replenishment and slotting
  • Pick orders in advance and stage in buffer
  • Will-call order placement and pick up 

The Dematic Automated Piece Pick System for Industrial Supplies uses a high-density automated storage sub-system with goods-to-person order assembly to support distribution of industrial supplies. The system includes value-added services processing, label print and apply, manifesting, and parcel sortation. It is ideal for handling fulfillment of precision, high-value small parts.


  • Lack of warehouse space
  • Labor costs, availability, skills
  • Picking and inventory management accuracy


  • Goods-to-person order fulfillment
  • High-density automated storage
  • Inbound decant, pick, pack, outbound sort
  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • WMS interface


(compared to person-to-goods fulfillment)

  • 40% to 70% less staff
  • 25% to 60% less footprint
  • 10% to 30% increase in accuracy
  • 25% to 75% less time to process orders
  • Eliminates pick face replenishment, slotting, re-slotting
  • Eliminates long pick paths thru warehouse
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Automated Piece Pick System for Multi-Velocity Inventory features a high-density automated storage sub-system with goods-to-person for low to mid velocity inventory and a zone route order fulfillment for high velocity inventory. The system is ideal for operations that maintain large quantities of stock keeping units (SKUs) and offer same-day shipping. In addition, operations may be constrained by a lack the warehouse space for conventional picking systems, need to support multiple channels, require high order accuracy, and need to respond to wide variations of order profiles. 


  • Pick fast and slow velocity SKUs
  • Order fulfillment processing time
  • Productivity and labor costs


  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • WMS interface
  • Inbound decanting, automated storage
  • Goods-to-person picking for low-velocity SKUs
  • Zone route, light-directed pick for high-velocity SKUs


(compared to person-to-goods fulfillment)

  • Pick directly to order carton
  • Eliminates dedicated pick faces for low velocity SKUs
  • Dense storage for low to mid velocity SKUs
  • Operators decoupled from workstations (work at own pace)
  • GTP pick rates: 500 pieces/operator/hour
  • Zone route pick rates: 120 to 150 pieces/operator/hour
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Automated Piece Pick System for Low to Mid-Range Order Volume Rates uses Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) to store and transport inventory for order assembly operations. The system picks, packs, and ships orders while making real-time adjustments to the daily variations in order profiles typical with multichannel applications.


  • Need for non-fixed automation and rapid deployment
  • Need for ease of future system re-configuration
  • Labor costs, availability, skills
  • Picking and inventory management accuracy


  • Bin-to-picker method of order fulfillment
  • Transfer pallet inventory into totes
  • AMR types: pallet and tote transport, tote storage
  • Inbound decant, store, pick, pack, outbound sort
  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • WMS interface


(compared to person-to-goods fulfillment)

  • 40% to 70% less staff
  • 25% to 60% less footprint
  • 10% to 30% increase in accuracy
  • 25% to 75% less time to process orders
  • Eliminates pick face replenishment, slotting, re-slotting
  • Eliminates long pick paths thru warehouse
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Piece and Case Pick System uses active and reserve storage to support goods-to-person order assembly for both piece and case picking requirements. 


  • Lack of warehouse space and storage capacity
  • Labor costs, availability, skills
  • Picking and inventory management accuracy


  • Goods-to-person order fulfillment, 1:1
  • Dedicated storage: reserve and picking
  • Inbound decant, pick, pack, outbound sort
  • Palletizing workstations
  • Execution software to synchronize workflows
  • WMS interface


(compared to person-to-goods fulfillment)

  • Accommodates piece and case picking
  • 40% to 70% less staff
  • 25% to 60% less footprint
  • 10% to 30% increase in accuracy
  • 25% to 75% less time to process orders
  • Eliminates pick face replenishment, slotting, re-slotting
  • Eliminates long pick paths through warehouse
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Micro-Fulfillment Piece Pick System uses a high-density automated storage sub-system with goods-to-person order assembly to support e-commerce order fulfillment close to the customer. The space-efficient system can be implemented in storerooms and urban warehouses to fulfill “last mile” orders. It is ideal for grocery stores and general merchandise retailers with locations with high population densities.


  • Inefficient picking inside retail stores
  • Long pick paths, too much time to pick orders
  • Need for rapid response, same-day fulfillment


  • High-density automated storage (80% of SKUs)
  • Inbound decant to tote
  • Goods-to-person picking
  • Manual pick zone for high-velocity items (20% of SKUs)
  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • WMS interface


(compared to person-to-goods fulfillment)

  • 20% to 30% less staff
  • 50% to 75% smaller footprint
  • 25% to 50% less time to process orders
  • Eliminates pick face replenishment, slotting, re-slotting
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Pick to Planogram Piece Pick System uses an automated storage sub-system with put walls to support highly efficient retail store replenishment. The system picks and pre-sorts inventory to match partial aisles, full aisles, group of aisles, and departments in stores. It significantly improves the put-away process by reducing the time and cost of store replenishment.


  • Less full-case store replenishment, more split case
  • Stock outs at stores
  • Shelf replenishment labor at stores
  • Time to pick orders in DC


  • Order picking correlates to store planogram
  • Automated inventory storage
  • Dynamic put-to-order workstations, light directed
  • Execution software synchronizes to store shelf
  • WMS interface


(compared to non-strategic store ready fulfillment)

  • Responsive store replenishment, less stock-outs
  • Accommodates each store planogram
  • Pick rates 1.5x to 3x faster
  • 10% to 30% reduction in restocking labor at stores
  • Eliminates dedicated pick faces for each SKU
  • Eliminates pick face replenishment, slotting, re-slotting
  • Eliminates long pick paths thru warehouse
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

The Dematic Automated Replenishment Piece Pick System uses an automated storage sub-system with flow rack and conveyor to automatically refill pick faces. Dematic Software manages reserve inventory and the inventory quantity at active pick faces. The system provides quick response times to refill prick faces with minimal labor.


  • Lack of warehouse space
  • Labor costs, availability, skills
  • Picking and inventory management accuracy


  • Inbound decant to tote
  • High-density automated storage
  • Pick module
  • Automatic pick face replenishment
  • Execution software synchronizes workflows
  • WMS interface


(compared to person-to-goods fulfillment)

  • 40% to 70% less staff
  • 25% to 60% less footprint
  • 10% to 30% increase in accuracy
  • 25% to 50% less time to process orders
  • Eliminates long pick paths thru warehouse
  • Real-time control and visibility into operations

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