Dematic's Global Tax Strategy


Dematic Limited (“Dematic”) is an operating unit of the KION Group and a leading supply chain and solutions company. Dematic’s business activities generate a variety of taxes. Dematic pays all corporate income taxes, value added taxes, withholding taxes, stamp duties, employment taxes and all other taxes required by applicable law. This tax strategy applies to the financial year ending 31 December 2024 and was published during March 2024.

Our approach to risk management and governance arrangements

The KION Group Board has overall responsibility for its global tax strategy and risk management. Dematic’s tax strategy is in line with KION Group’s global tax strategy.

The day-to-day responsibility of Dematic’s tax strategy and management of Dematic’s tax affairs is delegated to the entity’s Director with responsibility for Finance, supported by the Dematic Global Head of Tax and a team of tax professionals, who collectively manage and reduce/eliminate tax risk.

KION Group’s tax strategy is applied consistently to all companies within the organization. It is fully understood by all companies within the organization and is supported by internal control frameworks and regular review.

One of KION Group’s core values is integrity which is defined as doing what is right and acting according to ethical, sustainability and compliance standards. KION Group’s tax strategy is fully in line with these requirements.

Our approach to tax planning

To support the business, Dematic engages in efficient tax planning in consultation with outside tax advisors. Dematic does not enter into any artificial arrangements in order to avoid taxation. Dematic takes a responsible approach to managing our tax matters and complies with all applicable tax laws and regulations in the countries we operate in. The tax risks of any proposed transactions are fully considered before proceeding. 

Our approach to dealings with tax authorities

Dematic maintains a collaborative relationship with all tax authorities where Dematic operates, including with HMRC in the UK.

Dematic’s published global tax strategy satisfies Schedule 19 of the UK Finance Act 2016.

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